from United States


Orion Sauter

Postdoctoral Associate (Former Post doc)

Selected Publications

O. Sauter, N. Bhagwat, J. Conklin, and D. B. Tanner. Identification of resonant frequencies in ligo-like suspension with finite-element modeling. Phys. Rev. D, 109:064033, Mar 2024.

L. Heisenberg, H. Inchauspé, D. Q. Nam, et al. Lisa dynamics and control: Closed-loop simulation and numerical demonstration of time delay interferometry. Phys. Rev. D, 108:122007, Dec 2023.

H. Inchauspé, M. Hewitson, O. Sauter, and P. Wass. New LISA dynamics feedback control scheme: Common-mode isolation of test mass control and probes of test-mass acceleration. Phys. Rev. D, 106:022006, Jul 2022.

F. Aubin, F. Brighenti, R. Chierici, et al. The MBTA pipeline for detecting compact binary coa- lescences in the third LIGO–virgo observing run. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 38(9):095004, apr 2021.

O. Sauter, V. Dergachev, and K. Riles. Efficient estimation of barycentered relative time delays for distant gravitational wave sources. Phys. Rev. D, 99:044006, Feb 2019. Figure 1 selected for PRD Kaleidoscope:
